
Why I’m running for Mayor

I’m standing on an action-packed record of tackling big issues and getting work done. I’ve worked in the private sector, in Parliament and the civil service, so I know how to influence change in Wellington. What motivates me is getting a job done, and doing it well.


We need to strengthen the connection between our people, councillors, community boards and the Kāpiti Coast District Council. We need a direct link between what our community wants and the action the Council takes. As councillors we need to set the policy agenda but that requires a vision – and a willingness to do things differently, to challenge status quo thinking.

Community Boards

The public voted enthusiastically for Community Boards in our representation review and we need to honour that decision and help them to be effective. That means ensuring their voices are heard at the council table and the items they discuss must be brought to the council table and heard. Boards need to be a part of the decision making process by being the eyes and ears of council.

Council Planning

Let’s hear from our community before Council’s direction of travel is locked in. That means taking back the reigns and directing the Chief Executive to create a process that responds to the people and their representatives. It’s your voice councillors should champion so that means doing things differently, being open and conducting council business in public not private.

Economic Development

This is an area where council has made leaps and bounds. As a Council we must continue to support the ED team and the Economic Development Kotahitanga Board working in conjunction with KEDA, Creative Kāpiti and the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce so they can deliver tangible results for our community, including more jobs, higher wages and increased economic opportunities.


Kapiti has the equal oldest population in Aotearoa which should give us an added incentive to ensure we have an age friendly community. The best way to achieve that is to actively listen to the community groups that connect with our seniors – groups such as Age Concern and Grey Power and our own Older Person’s Council and ensure those agencies and clubs are supported.


Our council understands it has an important role to play in the wellbeing of our rangatahi. Whether that’s providing safe spaces for youth, facilities, events or ensuring they are listened to and feel part of our decision-making process. For youth, participation can be more difficult by the stretched-out nature of our region, and the uneven distribution of resources or access to public transport, so there are real challenges in this space.


Like housing and the environment, transport is linked to so much of our everyday lives, and yet the Kāpiti Coast District Council is not responsible for significant aspects of the network. That means we have to lobby Greater Regional Council and government effectively, and ensure they listen and understand our needs for better and more frequent bus timetables, increased investment in rail through to Otāki, and a sustainable integrated system.

Social Wellbeing

We have an incredible array of organisations that work directly with our community. KCDC has a role in supporting these organisations through our funding mechanisms and keeping them linked and informed. There is a pressing need to look at the way in which this occurs and ensure we are supporting our community organisations to carry on with business as usual in incredibly difficult circumstances.


Aotearoa has a housing crisis – but what is unique in Kāpiti is the lack of investment in social housing and the growing numbers of people shifting here. Council has recognised the need to plan for change and that we must increase the number of houses available in our region. Click here to read about the work that I’ve been leading on behalf of the other councillors.


Aotearoa is unique in the world for many reasons, including that we have a treaty woven into the fabric of our nation. This requires a form of co-governance that gives our treaty partners a voice at the table – it adds a richness to our deliberations and ensures we have the ability to plan together ensuring Ngāti Toa Rangātira, Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki and Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust are helping us to make the best decisions possible.


Never before has the climate crisis been so real for us here in Kāpiti. We’ve seen multiple extreme weather events rip through Kāpiti, with tornados and near record amounts of rain. Our district’s emissions are still not showing signs of falling, but the window of time we have to act for the sake of the next generation is closing. Join Councillor Handford and myself as we put forward a comprehensive plan to invest in our future and make Kāpiti carbon neutral by 2040.

Arts and Culture

The Kāpiti Coast has a vibrant cultural landscape with galleries and exhibition spaces, public art and massive events such as the Kāpiti Coast Arts Trail and Maoriland Film Festival. Funding is provided through grants and Community Boards, but we need to continue to shine a light on these jewels and ensure that audiences discover our amazing artists. A huge thank you to all the people that have played a role in the Mahara Gallery upgrade and Public Art Panel such as Deputy Mayor Janet Holborrow.

Getting the best out of our councillors

It’s simple, empower councillors with knowledge and an ability to make a difference. That means real portfolios and the ability to make a genuine difference and with regular report backs to the full council on portfolio progress. This has been one of the best developments in the last triennium, proposed by Gwynn Compton and picked up by Mayor Guru.

Currently, a massive chunk of council work takes place out of sight and in private. This has to stop. If you want the public to trust you, decision making has to take place in plain sight. So I will be ensuring that wherever possible, proceedings will be live streamed and that only commercial sensitive material etc is kept in private. Everyone works better when you’re allowed to contribute. During the campaign we’ll outline how a new more open and transparent and rewarding system could work.

As Mayor I will ensure we do things differently – we can’t afford the status quo thinking.’

rob mccann

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Authorised by

Rob McCann
81 Otaihanaga Road